Unleashing the Power of Community. Part I


Cyrator is a decentralized crypto research community where analysts can share their insights in return for a reward.

This first article of a series will focus on Cyrator`s core values and explain why it matters, along with the problems the platform addresses.


Grasping the benefits of decentralization can be challenging, but we can look at global geopolitics to help illustrate its importance. It appears that many of the world’s most significant issues arise from the actions of powerful nations, all seeking to exert control. In contrast, small countries or city states don’t harbor ambitions to dominate the world; instead, they opt for collaboration.

Decentralization in geopolitics resembles federalization, where states and local governments hold more power than the central government. Imagine a world where the US consisted of 50 independent countries, and Russia, China, and India were similarly divided into smaller nations, many of which have long desired independence. Suddenly, no single country would have the power to bully another, and everyone would need to find ways to work together.

The problem is that large national governments are reluctant to embrace such a shift because their elites benefit greatly from centralized power. However, blockchain offers the potential for a new reality: not a centralized authority or anarchy, but a rules-based order without a ruler who could abuse their power.

Blockchain has the ability to gradually erode the political and industrial elite’s grip on the world and place control into the hands of the people. Take news, for example. Governments and businesses worldwide use news to influence people’s thoughts and actions and a lot of “undesirable news” is being censored. However, if news articles were stored on a blockchain, nobody could censor them, since they would be stored on countless devices with different IP addresses. On-chain voting could be used to decide which content is acceptable.

Bitcoin is already weakening governments’ power over money, and blockchain has the potential to do the same for almost every other aspect of society, enabling a more decentralized world where most important decisions are made by cities or even towns. In this world, people would have more control over decisions that directly impact them, fostering a more diverse, peaceful, and friendly environment where no one is powerful enough to control another.

However, several barriers must be overcome before the blockchain industry can significantly impact the world. First, there are substantial technological limitations to address. Storing a news article on a single computer is much cheaper than storing it on thousands of devices, executing smart contracts is highly inefficient and costly compared to running a traditional program, and privacy remains a concern on most blockchains. Additionally, the technology has attracted an immense amount of funds and scams due to its potential for profit. If this were any other technology, it would mature quietly in labs worldwide, but the possibility of making money has caused billions of dollars to pour into the industry prematurely. As a result, most investments neither advance decentralization nor benefit society or investors.


Our mission is to effectively distinguish between genuine projects that contribute to a more decentralized future and those that merely exploit the technology and its supporters for personal gain. To achieve this, we use the decentralized organization model enabled by blockchain.

The challenge, and the reason why it’s so tough to differentiate between good and bad projects, is that researching even a single project requires a huge amount of time. For instance, it would take a month to gain a deep enough understanding of the Near Protocol to make an informed decision whether to support the project or not. This becomes an insurmountable task considering there are thousands of projects out there.

However, we can solve this issue without extra time or money by tapping into the research of thousands of people already investigating these projects. The problem is that today they work independently without sharing their findings. By sharing this resource efficiently, society as a whole spends fewer hours researching projects while having access to better information and making more informed decisions.

The great thing is that sharing research has no downside for analysts. Unlike day traders who lose their edge by sharing strategies, long-term investors backing solid projects benefit when others invest in them too. This additional funding accelerates a project’s progress. As a result, everyone benefits: researchers, informed investors, well-founded projects, and society at large, which gains from products that genuinely help people. Sharing research on poor projects also protects investors, bolsters industry confidence, and draws more people and investment.

In summary, we believe that by clearly separating good and bad crypto projects, we can increase funding for the best projects and accelerate the journey towards a more decentralized future.

My next article will focus on Cyrator’s Core Technology and how everyone can benefit from contributing to the community. Stay tuned!

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Cyrator – Crypto Research Community
Cyrator – Crypto Research Community

Written by Cyrator – Crypto Research Community

Web3 Community of independent analysts that rank cryptocurrencies based on quality and substance. Monetize your research: https://cyrator.com

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